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2009. 4. 17. 22:21
관심있는 분들은 가보세요. 전 일본에 있어 가보지 못하지만;;;
이곳 일본에서 재밌는 소식 있으면 또 올릴께요~
Exhibition Title:HOME PARTY
Exhibition : Soongsil University BK21 Media Division + IAMAS DSP-Course
Songwon Art Center
106-5 Hwa-dong Jongno-gu Seoul S.KOREA
+82 10 6472 7672
2009. 4. 25 (Sat) - 5. 3 (Sun)
11am - 6pm
*Opening Party 5pm, 25 April 2009
Huibeom Yu Junghwan Sung CHEMICAL! Melting Pot LIM GhaEun Yang HyunRoc KIM Dongho Hoonida-Kim Kitamura Yutaka Tokisato Mitsuru Kim dong kwan Fujiyama Yukimasa Tsutusi kazutaka Ito Yuya
From the 25th of April to the 3rd of May, we will hold the joint
Korea-Japan exhibition "HOME PARTY" at the Sung-Won Art-Centre.
The artists are students from Soongsil University BK21 Media Division
(Korea) and IAMAS DSP Course (Japan).
In this exhibition "HOME PARTY", many artists from Korea and Japan,
coming from various backgrounds and with their own ways of artistic
expression, come together, and exhibit their works.
The concept of this event is that of "HOME PARTY", in which the audience
and artists meet and talk in a warm mood like 'a home party', where you
spend time together with friends and family with good food and drinks.
We hope our works triggers conversations between you and the artists,
and also between the artists themselves.
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IAMAS/DSP Lectures series
4/27 10:00~16:00
Physical Computing
Speaker:Shigeru Kobayashi
Designing of toolkits and workshops for physical computing to fill gaps between designers/artists and engineers
4/28 13:00~17:00
Art and Computer Vision
4/29 13:00~17:00
Mobility:The next generation of computing 1
Speaker:Masami Hirabayashi
Contents:CCCity Game
An iPhone/iPodTouch Application for
Creative Commons and a location-aware interface
Mobility:The next generation of computing 2
Speaker:Masayuki Akamatsu
Contents:iPhone as art platform