Research Topics/ActionScript3.0

ActionScript 3.0 - Document Class

알 수 없는 사용자 2009. 2. 16. 02:08
CS3 /AS3.0 이후의 큰 특징중 하나인 Document Class 라는 개념입니다.
코드부분이 완전히 분리되어서 별도의 독립적인 파일이 존재합니다. .fla / .as

아래 영상을 참고하세요.

Papervision3D 를 보시려면 Document Class 를 알고 시작하면 도움이 많이 됩니다.
아래는 Adobe Help 에 있는 설명입니다. 참고하세요.

Declare an ActionScript 3.0 document class

When you use ActionScript 3.0, a SWF file may have a top-level class associated with it. This class is called the document class. When the SWF is loaded by Flash Player, an instance of this class is created to be the SWF file's top-level object. This object of a SWF file can be an instance of any custom class you choose.

For example, a SWF file that implements a calendar component can associate its top level with a Calendar class, with methods and properties appropriate to a calendar component. When the SWF is loaded, Flash Player creates an instance of this Calendar class.

  1. Deselect all objects on the Stage and in the Timeline by clicking a blank area of the Stage. This displays the Document properties in the Property inspector.
  2. Enter the filename of the ActionScript file for the class in the Document Class text box in the Property inspector. Do not include the .as filename extension.
Note: You can also enter the Document Class information in the Publish Settings dialog box.